How do I get rid of nail polish without RONIKI Removal Gel?
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How do I get rid of nail polish without RONIKI Removal Gel? Here the Frosted Surface Gel Polish supplier China would like to share with us.
Without nail remover, there are many things in life that can help, such as white vinegar, toothpaste or hydrogen oxide mixed with water. Nail removal is recommended to use professional nail removal products, if not, do not tear hard, or it will damage.
1. Body spray method: find some body sprays that contain solvents that are an effective way to remove anything that isn't easy to clean. Apply the sprays as close as possible to your nails. Use a paper towel to clean your nails. The polish won't be removed immediately. The nail polish here is not easy to remove completely on the first try.
2. Body spray: a body spray or perfume that contains similar ingredients that work the same way. Spray on one end of a cotton ball or swab, and then wipe your nails back and forth with the swab until it starts to fall off.
3. Hair spray: hair spray removes nail polish. They contain the same chemicals. Don't let the hair spray linger too long or it will dry on your nails. Cut your nails and leave ugly marks.
That's all for the sharing, thanks for your reading, and we also supply Eye Shadow Gel Polish for sale, if you have any demand for our products, just feel free to contact us.
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