Keep the Gel Nails Lasting and Beautiful
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Everyone must hope that their favorite gel nails can be maintained for a long time, so long as they spend more time at ordinary times, they can do it.Here are some tips for making your gel nails lasting and beautiful.
It's about a week after you've done your nails, when you're ready to apply the surface armor oil. This allows gel manicure to shine and protect our nails.It needs to be painted again about every 3-4 days. Even if the gel is lifted up, coating the surface armor oil can also inhibit it. Not only that, surface armor oil can also prevent gel coloring caused by UV and cigarette.
Apply the nail polish to the root of the nail and massage continuously to make it absorbed. Massage can promote blood circulation and keep nails healthy.It is helpful to massage if you want a gel nail for a long time.Moisturizing should be done from the daily, too dry nails can reduce the degree of adhesion of gel nails,and become easy to fall off.
Wear rubber gloves when doing things like washing dishes or washing clothes that will touch a lot of water. If the nails are wet, the gel nails will easily curl up.